- Manufactured from flexible pure copper for high conductivity
- Seamless, pure copper ferrules are tin plated and cold pressed to each end
- For silver plated ferrules, remove Q from the catalog numbers suffix
- Ideally suited for the following applications:
- Isolation of vibration common in generator, transformer, turbine and substation installations
- Compensation for component misalignment
- Thermal expansion and contraction
- Perimeter grounding and fencing
- Braid is tin plated to protect against corrosion
- Inside ends of ferrules are chamfered to prevent strand degradation
- UL listed to UL467 and certified to CSA C22.2, No. 41 Grounding and Bonding Equipment Standards for lengths up to 48
- Size/combinations not shown can be readily supplied upon request contact factory
- For lengths other than 12″, change “-12” in the catalog number to desired length in inches